Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Moving along

Dieting and prep are moving along. If all goes well i plan on competing march 31st. Im down 5lbs which is good but again like every other show feel it may not be enough. All i can do is keep going and try my best.  I struggle with hunger and find it soooo difficult to just eat to fuel my body. I enjoy good food that tastes great, but with competing there is none of that. Ha. Its only for a short while that i have to eat so strict.  I have been meeting with my trainer 3x a week and it is helping alot. Tho i find it difficult to be at firehouse all day and night return home in the morning and head back out to train for 3 hrs all the while missing my son and Andy.  I have always been supported 100% by Andy and my family and that is a huge part of my passion for this sport.  My cardio is 45min a day but recently added another 1/2 hr. The only cardio that works for me is high intensity. For my body fat to drop i have to have my heartrate in the 80-90%.  My choice of cardio is spinning, running interval sprints the old stepmill and the cybex stepper.  I focus heavily on my music selection because it totally pushes me through when im slacking.  While lifting i try and drop set and move rather quickly for the added calorie burn. My strength "suprisingly" is right where it should be considering i didnt lift heavy while pregnant or months after. My muscle endurance on the other hand is taking its time to catch up.  But all in all prep is going good.  We will see how i come in! ;))))

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