Friday, February 17, 2012

Long way to go

Training not so good this last week!!!!! I always preach how important it is to put yourself first, well these past few weeks i struggled horribly! Why i ask? In all honestly with the business of family and running around i actually feel worse not training! I let my feelings and anxiety over worrying about others derail my progress! one would say its ok because we need to be there for family when they need us, but sometimes we then put ourselves on the backburner! As in life "its always something" so i better learn to balance better! Sooo this coming week will be much better! i try and schedule my workouts and meals on the weekends so thats what i will be up to this weekend! I was contacted by a female to help her prep for her first figure competition and help her with posing! yay im so happy to hopefully work with her! I have been waiting to help along a competitor for so long as to there isnt to many of us around! I sold my 2011 tahoe and bought a used 2000 ford explorer for the firehouse commutes! no need for me and andy to have 2 tahoes! And no car payment! I laugh at myself because my father always told me to not have a car payment! live and learn pops!!! The march 31st  show will not have me in it due to it not being a qualifier! so my plans are to do the gateway in may! Gives me a lil more time which is goooood! I hope to report better progress next week! Remember to try and put yourself first! Have a great weekend guys!
The pic above is so hilarious to me it will be very interesting to see my progress :) Pic taken today of last year!

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